Friday, January 21, 2011

The Dreaded Phone Interview!! AHHH!!!

Let me start be saying "Oh My Lanta". That is my phrase to remain calm. Try it. "Oh'. (breathe) "My". (breathe) "Lanta". (relax) See dont you feel way better. I know, Im amazing for coming up with that! Anywho... the phone interview is not that bad. I had Ginger. She called at 9:31am. It was scheduled for 9:30am and she was right on time. So everyone always wants to know what they asked so here is what I studied for:

~Why oh Why questions!~
Why are you a good candidate for this program?
How will you provide good customer service?
Why do you want to do the CP at this point in my life?
What can you offer the company?

~Situational Questions!~
What will you do if a guest doesn’t speak English and needs help?

What is one way you can make a child’s day extra magical?

What can you learn from working at Disney?

Describe a time you had to work with a difficult situation.

Describe a memory of a past job.( or made a guest happy)
If you were doing a task that was repetitive, how would you make it exciting?

Describe a time you were not able to make a guest happy.

~Questions to ask the interviewer:~
Are there possibilities to move up within the company?

Are there opportunities to extend at the end?

How did Professional Internships work?

How long can I expect until I hear a decision?

Would you consider doing custodial or quick food and beverage?

~Questions about your Past!~
Are you familiar with the Disney Parks?

What is your favorite job from my past?

What were your past jobs?

Describe a memory of a past job.( or made a guest happy)

Do you have cash handling experience?

How do you handle with people from diverse backgrounds?

Describe a time you were not able to make a guest happy.

~Questions about You!~
Name 3 positive qualities about yourself.

Name 3 negative qualities

How do you feel about talking to large groups of people?

What are you most looking forward to working for the Disney Program?

What are three words your coworkers would use to describe you?

Are you a team player or prefer to work alone?
Who is your favorite Character? (How are you like them?)
What would you look for in an applicant?

What is a magical moment you have had at the Parks?

How do you feel about working in the heat?


Have you ever lived with anyone, like in a dorm setting?

Do you mind being away from home?

What do you expect when you arrive in Florida?
Do you mind working mornings, evening, holidays or weekends?
Do you like to have busy work or slow work?
How would you handle a disagreement with roommates?
Do you anticipate anything bad in housing?
What is the order of the roles you picked? (Why and how are you qualified?)

1.) Attractions
a. What would you do if the child was too short to ride a ride?i. I would let the child know that there were plenty of other great rides they could ride and suggest my favorites.
b. What would you say to an unhappy guest if lines where really long?
i. I would say that I was sorry but that this particular ride was worth the extra long wait and then suggest some shorter waiting rides for after the ride they were waiting in line for.


2.) Character Attendant-
a. Why don’t the characters talk?

i. I would say Mickey is shy when there are new people around but if you go hug him than he will show you all the love he has for you.

3.) Boutique Hostess-

a. What would you say to guest if the appointments were running late?i. I would say that I was sorry but that we had a fairy god child that had an emergency and needed her ball gown fixed right away, but in a few short moments we would be helping you get ready for your prince.
A. Do you have salon experience?
4.) Photo pass
A. Do you have any pervious experience doing professional camera work?
5.) Costuming
A. Do you mind not being in the publics eye and not interacting with guest?

Hopefully that gives you an idea of what you can study for. The questions that are highlighted are the ones I was asked or asked them. If you have any questions post them on facebook or youtube or right here!

Until next time we can only Dream,
Jessica Nicole

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